Supersonic speed is a standard of travel of an object that has more than the speed of sound or Mach 1. In an ideal condition, the speed of sound is considered as 343 m/s or 1235 km/h. The speed greater than the five times the sound is known as Hypersonic. Most of the modern jets are now supersonic and they are currently developing the supersonic passenger aircraft. Do you know that the speed of sound decreases with higher altitudes due to lower temperature?
Engineers are now working hard on the supersonic personal vehicles for very fast futuristic transportation. They are now trying to meet the goal of 1000 MPH. Some scientists also predict that one day we will travel in the future using further advanced versions of these vehicles. The following list includes vehicles that are already manufactured, in developing stage and the futuristic concept. Scroll down and read about the following amazing supersonic vehicles for better futuristic transportation.
7. Budweiser Rocket
The Budweiser Rocket was an American three-wheeled vehicle that claims they have unofficially broken the sound barrier. It was owned by Hal Needham and designed by William Fredrick. It was powered by a hybrid liquid and solid fuel rocket engine with an extra side booster. Sound speed also depends on pressure and temperature and speed of sound on that day was recorded at 1177 km/h. Same day, Budweiser Rocket produced the top speed of 1189 km/h but this record was never publicly released. They claimed that they broke the supersonic speed limit but the International Federation of Automobiles didn’t recognize any such speed attempt. There is no record of this attempt but still some people believe this.
6. Supersonic Nazi Rocket Concept
After World War II, American engineers revealed a deadly Nazi concept of rocket powered weapons. They named it, Eugen Sanger’s antipodal bomber, a supersonic aircraft that was designed to reach any place on the earth in one hour. The Americans figured that this aircraft could drop a bomb and return to its launching site. During the mid-1930s, Nazis approached the Austrian government for funding but they rejected to fund the project. Eugen Sanger continued his experiments to build a more advanced weapon for the Nazis. The concept has the power to destroy everything on earth. Although, this rocket was never built, but worth to be a part of this list.
5. Honda Chopper
Till now, there is no supersonic bike ever manufactured. Honda Chopper is a concept vehicle designed by Pete Norris. He tried to change motorcyclist enthusiasts with his sleek design of the vehicle. The design wasinspired by a supersonic bike, mentioned in the Star Wars film series. Pete only designed the concept of the vehicle and he also doesn’t know whether the bike is supersonic or not. According to the design, it has long front suspensions for maximum comfort. It also carries a bio-fuel engine connected with two electric motors for maximum performance.
4. Zero Emission Supersonic Concept
Marko Lukovic designed a zero emission supersonic concept vehicle for the Michelin Design Challenge. His design was by inspired from other supersonic aircraft and he makes it for two people. The vehicle has a sleek design with the features of super aerodynamics. It is powered by an engine along with three lithium-ion batteries that runs 300 km in one charge. A mixture of aluminium and other materials are used in the making of the design to make it extremely lightweight and safe. It has a roof made of photosensitive glass for a clear view. It also featured auto pilot plus many other attributes.
3. Thrust SSC
Thrust SSC is the only manufactured supersonic car, developed by Richard Noble and three others. It is a jet propelled car, manufactured by SSC Programme Limited. On 15th October 1997, it became the world’s first car to break the sound barrier with the maximum speed of 1228 km/h. It is powered by two Rolls Royce turbofan engines that are now used in the F4 jet fighter aircraft. It generates an output power of 110,000 horsepower and burns 18 liters fuel every second. This car is 16.5 meters in length and weighs 10.5 tons. It is now displayed at the Coventry Transport Museum in England.
2. North American Eagle Project
The North American Eagle Project is an under development project and it is deliberated to challenge the previous record of Thrust SSC. The NAEP is a corporation of American and Canadian engineers and a team of well-trained mechanics. It is 17 meters in length and their goal is 1300 km/h. It features the same chassis of F 104A fighter jet and powered by a General Electric engine that produces a total output of 52,000 horsepower. Since 2004, thirty-seven engine tests were conducted and its development has still been ongoing.
1. Bloodhound SSC
Bloodhound SSC is an ongoing development project of supersonic land vehicle. This project is conducted by Bloodhound Programme Ltd. Their goal is to attain 1000 miles per hour or 1609 km/h. This pencil shaped car is powered by a Rolls Royce jet engine along with a hybrid rocket motor. The engine produces more than 135,000 horsepower that is six times the power of Formula One car. The testing of the vehicle is scheduled to take place in the 2015. A worldwide search of the 10 miles flat surface with no vegetation has been narrowed to 16 sites all over the world including the Rann of Kutch in India.
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