The advance technology has been integrated with Military Gadgets since last few years. All the gadgets are designed in a way to increase operational efficiency and safety. They mainly have a navigation system to find the way, a radio transceiver to communicate with base and many more gadgets. In every country Government invests a lot of tax amount in military gadgets and we don’t see most of them because they are top secrets. We represent you the list of the Top 10 Coolest and Latest Military Gadgets.
10. Wrist Mounted Display
Wrist Mounted Display is a pack of several gadgets into one wrist computer. It weighs only about half pound and its screen size is 2*3 inch. It consists a very thin layer of transistor that work with an electronic screen which change data signals into grayscale images. The display uses very less power and used for sending and receiving vital information via data and radio transmission.
9. Big Dog
In military all soldiers have to carry much heavy equipment along with them. They use a gasoline engine connected to a computer that can pick about 10 kg of equipment. It looks like a dog, that’s why known as a big dog. It consists a fiber optic gyroscope and an IMU which helps it to stand on difficult terrains and inclined up to 45 degrees.
8. X-Flex
X-Flex is a bullet proof vest that protects soldiers from bullets and bombs. X-Flex can be put on the walls of any house, it then converts into a bunker which can stand even after the bomb blast. It is a great thing for the soldier which can reduce the fatalities.
7. C40PS Hybrid Headset
C40PS Hybrid Headset is very useful in military and can be operated in three different variations. It can be connected with the helmet which ensures to provide great stability but it is designed to provide great sound quality. The headset is inbuilt with microphone and comfort for high noise operations.
6. Prism 200C Backpack
Prism 200C Backpack is used to scan the whole building without entering. It can be attached to the phone via Bluetooth and gives a fully 3D image on the phone screen with the lightning speed. This is publicly banned and only used by police or military soldier.
5. Corner Shot
Corner Shot is inbuilt with a video camera that provides a video feed to the screen which has been proven very helpful to the soldier. The gun bends to shoot the opponents. This is used to shoot the opponents without leaving the cover of the wall and to minimize the life risks.
4. Liquid Armor
Liquid Armor is better than others military armor and completely based on fluid that get hardened when pressure is applied. It is a bullet protector and can stop the moving objects. The fluid used in this is known as Non-Newtonian fluid. The fluid gives it the great extraordinary strength.
3. Bodyguard Electro Gauntlet
Bodyguard Electro Gauntlet is a great defense weapon. It is inbuilt with a laser pointer, a video camera and a hefty teaser of 5,00,000 volts. It has a hard outer shell and looks like a Batman suit. In many other movies such as James Bond Die Another Day this weapon is used.
2. Dragonfly Robot
Dragonfly Robot is a new and very useful technology in the military. It can easily fly and give complete information about the opponents. Because of their very small size no one notices them. They are also used in search of survivors in an accident and in collapsed buildings.
1. Sarcos Exoskeleton
Sarcos Exoskeleton is very advanced technology in the military. It is not a robot, but a tool which increase the strength of a normal man to a superhero. It gives the extraordinary power, endurance and the super speed. It is designed to make the 150 pound weight feel like only 10 pounds. It is the best gadget to beat the opponents in war.
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